Sunday, September 27, 2009

M. Fitz is shocked, truly shocked

Matt says it's all about the the benjamins. What about that, though? Isn't every business about profit?

UPDATE: Alylssa has a capitalist critique as well.

I have mixed feelings about the answer. In the final season of "The Wire," David Simon attempted to explore -- again with mixed results -- the grief felt among newspaper people for the end of their age, an age in which working for newspapers seemed at times like more than a business:
Down a hallway at the entrance to the Baltimore Sun offices , there's a quote by its most famous journalist, HL Mencken, that is also used as an epigraph for the final episode of The Wire. Looking back, Mencken realised that of all the things he'd done in his career, being a newspaperman was the most fulfilling: "It really was … the life of kings."

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