Colin McEnroe and his very intelligent students look at the Digital Revolution in media.
Monday, December 08, 2008
So much cool stuff!!!!!
And Rich's GOP strategy round-up.
And I think Mary nicely opens up the question of what social networking will be in 2010-2012. Not exactly what it was in 2008.
Actually, if you look at the thing Rich links to, it is pretty comprehensive on that subject.
Mary also hearts Julia's idea about commencement speeches.
Joe has a memo to Team Jindal. I wish he'd stop calling him BJ!!!
Julia points out that I didn't really listen to her very carefully last week.
The Sick Man of Journalism
Had to share
The idea is to widen its appeal to people who have been captivated by internet advances without chasing away those who have never found those kinds of advances relevant to their lives.
Bobby's numbers

Respectable but trailing.
Meanwhile our boy is headed to Virginia. Who said the thing last week about keeping the board wide open?
Rich knew about the Barry-Bobby exchange.
Linky link link
On the other hand, one thing that helps the Atlantic is the way its bloggers are kind of a red light district on the site, a place where maybe you can take a shot at a kind of story an Old Media institution would blanch at.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Visualize This!!
Lauren then jogged over to 10,000 words and also taught us a little about geo-tagging.
Meanwhile, the Atlantic, trying to impress Courtney, IS trying maps and stuff. But I didn't think this one made use of the potential we saw on those other sites.
So how's that Barry Bobby meme doing?
Caroline tracks the meme in the mainstream media.
Meanwhile, Bobby and Barry seem to have had a little private exchange about this subject!
I hear America Ninging
UPDATE: Harry found this list of tweeting conservatives. The "ten things to do" list is a pretty simple guide to how to use Twitter to build a network.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
People who work in traditional media and entertainment ought either to
concentrate on the antiquarian quality of their work, cultivating the exclusive
audience of TV viewers or magazine readers that might pay for craftsmanship. Or
they should imagine that they are 19 again: spending a day on Twitter or
following a recipe from a Mark Bittman video played on a refrigerator that
automatically senses what ingredients are missing and texts an order to the
grocery store (it will soon exist!). Then they should think about what content
suits these new modes of distribution and could evolve in tandem with them. For
old-media types, mental flexibility could be the No. 1 happiness secret we have
been missing.Gail Collins says much the same thing here.
MG: Do you see that role changing, now or in the future, particularly given the proliferation of opinion writing on the Web?
GC: The column as we do it now is something that will probably die off with my generation. Currently, the critical thing you have to have to do a column—besides the general reporting and writing—is the ability to be able to deliver exactly 800 words twice a week, on deadline. On the Web, though, there’s no reason for that. The constraints don’t exist. So the next generation of columnists will be a totally different breed than we are. I don’t know exactly what they’ll look like—I mean, you can see hints now of what it will be—but they’re going to be a totally different thing.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
I, for one, would be interested in your thoughts on the elevation of David Gregory to host of MTP. It seems to me a triumph of Oldthink at a time when NBC desperately needs to prove it can go the other way. They got slapped in the Times and elsewhere over the last few days over the Gen. Barry McCaffrey issue. And Gregory seems like a guy who kind of doesn't understand any roles besides Network and Washington Press Corps Loyalist. He sure ain't no Rachel Maddow, who knows how to be of the scene and yet achieve some distance from it too.
It has implications for the Atlantic Online. How DO you do TV without seeming amateurish or, on the other end, complacent? TPMtv? Is that a good model?
For Jindal, maybe the only thing it means is that the media end of the game won't change that much in the next four years -- or, more accurately, it WILL change and the media will be the last to know.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Good morning!
Here is what I think about Jindal. His campaign definitely needs to generate some videos of him that are not slick but entertaining and inspiring. He needs some vlogger types following him around the country, catching him saying something inspirational to a group of college students, something substantive to a bunch of people put recently out of work, something important at an auto plant. You gotta get these videos not only onto YouTube channels but over to influential blogs and up onto social networking sites (but not now ... maybe in late 2009.) The videos have to look cool -- in a slightly raw fashion -- and have to include montages of Bobby doing and saying stuff, set to edgy, inspirational music (for which the rights and artist cooperation have been properly secured!). Find a really cool alt-Christian group like eastmountainsouth. Even their trip-hop version of "Hard Times" would be great in a montage of Bobby talking to people affected by the recession. The idea is to try to get something like this to go viral, so you have young people circulating it.
On Atlantic, I have two related thoughts. One of them is that the front page of the Atlantic doesn't change much all day and all night, and people expect a kind of reshuffling, as things become more and less important and current. The other is that the Voices bloggers are all great navigators and cullers, but they don't really report much new information. Fresh reported information is probably one of the more precious commodities right now in the Attention Economy. That's why I think we were right to keep coming back to some kind of model that gives the Atlantic more boots on the ground, some kind of intelligent workforce of journalists (cjs?) that feeds fresh information to the site.
Monday, December 01, 2008
AO hires The Blonde Excuse for video training
"My boss Courtney believes that reporters have to be converted into digital journalists," said new ME Mike Raciti.
Raciti also denied reports that aforementioned publisher Courtney Antonioli had thrown a chair at Andrew Sullivan.
"That's, uh...that's kind of being blown out of proportion in the blogs," he said.
L&D enlist SoHo firm
Craig was evasive about whether Mercer would be working on Jindal 2012, but she did offer,"We've seen the end of the days when politicians kind of stumbled into places like SNL and the Colbert Report. In 2010, that kind of thing will be right up front as part of the planning, as will product placement in video games."
Craig said MSA would offer the services of the following partners
-- Sarai Druan, who specializes in outreach to environmental groups. Craig says there is no reason the Demcorats have to own that issue in 2012.
-- Mel Cavanaugh, who specalized in grassroots sensibilities. "For Obama, there was kind of a tipping point, where the grass roots passions burned so hot that you couldn't fight the fire from the other side," said Craig. "Mel is going to see whether the same kind of organizing can work for Jindal. I mean, IF we do any work for Jindal. Can that be off the record? The last thing I said?"
-- Julia Budnick, who specializes in pop culture, with an emphasis on reaching out to the youngest voters. A source at MSA said that Jindal and his handlers wonder if he can be "cool."
Antonioli and Ambinder in Spat; More AO staff changes
"I have nothing but respect for Marc, and my guess is that he'll be back in the office on Tuesday," said Antonioli. "My only point to him is the point I'm makingall over the building: don't reinvent the wheel and then tell me it's a jetpack."
"She spat in my coffee. She's a crazy person," Ambinder said.
At issue was Ambinder's post sizing up the 2012 field.
"I'm asking all my people to think less conventionally. 2008 broke all the old rules. How will 2012 break the 2008 rules?" Antonioli said.
In a series of related moves, Antonioli announced that Caroline Mooney will become special national correspondent assigned to over the Jindal campaign "starting yesterday."
Kevin Simpson has been added to the Atlantic culture desk with the special responsibility of watching how political campaigns interact with the entertainment world. Brent Rydin will write a new "digital life" column about the next wave of campaign communication styles.
Veteran newsman Ernie Mintel will also write and edit a series of features.
"I don't want to lose sight of what makes the Atlantic the Atlantic. I see Ernie's work as providing context and history," said Antonioli.
D&D Consultants Ink Jindal Pact
"One thing we saw, with Obama, was the way people, at a certain point, took ownership of the campaign, made their own videos, became a sort of parallel-track media covering the event the way THEY wanted it covered," said Dain. "We think we can do that for Bobby."
At the same time, Dain and Durette, who have an unusual sports-based approach to consulting, will try to increase Jindal's muscle mass. "This is mostly going to be increased anaerobic training with free weights," Durette explained. "He's a stringy little dude. But he inspires me. I could amost feel good about being a Republican again."
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tweeting Mumbai
And read everything else in the context of that.
This week, in class discussion, all of you will be expected to participate in each side:
1. Helping the Atlantic take the next step, move up to the next level, become a bigger player in political coverage.
2. Positioning Bobby Jindal so that, in 2010, he's right about where Obama was in 2006.
But on Monday, all of you will receive specific assignments that will place you on one side or the other.
Bobby Obey You
But is that the right place to launch him?
And is "the new Obama" the right meme?
Should they start working the bloggers who aren't buying it? (Cesca is all HuffPo-connected.)
The TownHall crowd seems intrigued. Give them access?
What are the risks of being the hot new flavor too soon?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Doctor My Songs!
"The MCain people never really got their minds around this whole question," says Kevin Simpson, an expert in music copyright issues in political campaigns. "They had problems right down the line about use of copyrighted material.""
Simpson cited Van Halen, Heart and Foo Fighters among the bands that bumped heads with McCain staffers over use of their music.
Antonioli Announces Grant, Names Controversial Raciti ME
"We're changing the mission of the Atlantic, while preserving its very special brand name," Antonioli explained. "We already have the best stable of racehorse bloggers in our Voices line-up. Our next step is to enlarge the platform and make room for more daily, deadline reporting and analysis. As experiments, we're going to apply some of our new thinking to these two test markets, but that's part of a much bigger set of ideas."
Antonioli announced several key new appointments. Unknown Michael Raciti will will become managing editor Jan. 1. "I have to go through some psychological testing first," he explained. TV veteran Cheyenne Seymour will undertake the job of making Atlantic Online competititve with other outlets in its use of news video.
Kasey Shoemaker will head up a special team that begins brainstorming political coverage for 2010 and 2012 immediately.
Spotted on the wires
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) is in Iowa today, according to CNN."Jindal's considered by many in the Republican party to be a rising star and his trip to Iowa, the state that kicks off the presidential primary season, is raising speculation that he might be interested in making a bid for the Republican Presidential Nomination in 2012. But Jindal says such talk is misplaced and that he has no plans to make a run for the White House."
Jindal has, however, placed on retainer the Connecticut political media consulting firm of Levenson and DeCrescenzo Strategies, LLP. One of the firm's two principals Harry Levenson offered no specific comment on Jindal
"I will say that the game is changing," said Levenson. "This time, the formula is: the lessons from Obama's success + the observable changing slopes of the media + the X factor = a 2012 win. Now, if you'll excuse me, Richard and I have paying clients to talk to."
Baffled? Don't know where to turn?
Scroll down the main page of the Nieman lab. (You'll even see your friend Nate Silver cited.)
This is another place -- Knight -- that's trying to get mainstrea media ready for the future. You really have to explore around to find what's meaningful to you.
Explore Poynter.
I got sucked into this part of Poynter, and was struck in particular by this:
Target and customize. Participants were taken by my colleague Kelly McBride's presentation on "millennials" -- the huge MySpace/Facebook generation that lives to share good times, photos and sometimes information with their friends. It is an open question how news products might be tailored to their distinctive communication style, but the answer sure is not a "voice of God," one-way declaration of what's news, as Josh Benton of Nieman Journalism Lab put it.
Diane McFarlin, publisher of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune and a past president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, expressed the hope that "the millennial generation may, in fact, take user-generated or user-influenced content to a level that will work for the community-at-large. (So far it hasn't.)"
Friday, November 28, 2008
PressThink tries to define it. Poynter tries to peel the onion. Seattle tried to do it.
Think, think, think
In one, we'll be the leadership of a news organization -- something with a digital platform that links to a print product -- getting ready to cover the 2012 campaign. Courtney will be our Publisher, and she''ll be taking our suggestions and plans for keeping up with changing technology.
In the other. Harry will be the campaign manager for Jindal 2012. He'll be asking the rest of his, his staff, for ideas on how to best exploit new media.
You're really going to have to reach out your dendrites and think about all this.
To impress Courtney, read this and incorporate it into your thinking.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Fim and figor
But so is the overall idea of everytihng being short and punchy and hip.
The wired reporter
What are its inherent risks and advantages?
The New York Times is trying to exist on Facebook.
Meawhile, the LA Times, trying to figure out the future, talked to the founder of Craigslist.
This is what one journalist thinks the others need to do.
I hear America Twittering
And then read this.
One way to think about Twitter. Substitute Obama for the Pope in the example there, you know?
And note this description of Maddow.
Maddow seems to have genuinely charmed younger viewers, a Twitter-savvy, podcasting generation that has hankered for someone more like them and delights in her use of "duh," her obvious intelligence and authenticity, and her ability to be both idealistic and skeptical about politics. She eschews vanity and insists she won't stop dressing "like a 13-year-old boy" when she can.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wolf Boy, etc.
The code of Limbaugh
Meanwhile, Mike, like Kasey, has parent issues around this stuff.
And Rich wonders about the relationship between Rush (and similar hosts) and their listeners.
Rich also gives us this very weird video which, nonetheless, strips itself down to one of the most stark arguments of certain kinds of media -- that they allow ths listener to join a club of select smart people.
Zieglerama -- And the Eff you Universe
When you read that, then remarks like the one Courtney flagged make more sense because they kind of fit with the way people talk in that environment.
Joe's own personal story kind of confirms Nate Silver's basic point -- that people get tired of being stimulated in a certain way. Here's some more analysis by Kevin.
Ziegler currently makes little documentaries, including this one.
Here's a WSJ article about the poll that touched off this whole imbroglio. And some analysis by Mike.
Crazy like Fox
Lauren, back from the dead, has a video we MUST watch. And a poll that makes no sense.
Will Fox simply invert its role now, as Kevin suggests?
Cheyenne found a study of of Fox.
And she did her own analysis of how they handled today's news.
Conservatives, Humor, Irony, Sincerity
Meanwhile, as Harry has rightly detected, it isn't really true that the conservative media is not funny. Some of hem have to be funny, but differently funny.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Kathleen Parker and other stories
Matt Drudge?
It's illustrative to look at this in terms of what another country thinks of it.
And interesting dispute broke out in the conservative press this week, again triggered by Kathleen Parker. You can start here with an extreme right blacklash against Parker. Or here with the column that provoked it. Or here with her friend getting mad at her. Weirdly, Parker wrote a column earlier this year which freaked out even people who are pretty used to red-meat, nativist rhetoric.
Become an expert on conservative talk radio and the Fairness Doctrine
Kathleen Hall Jamieson is, in general, a good (but non-approving) source of information about the rise of talk.
"One of the things that conservative talk radio does for Republicans is creates a coherent, conservative ideology that is reinforced hour after hour, to fairly large audiences every day. The problem for the Democrats is figuring out what that coherent ideology would be if it were offering the alternative point of view.
The talk radio host is trying to instruct an audience, in lines of argument, that can be marshaled in defense of the ideology expressed by the host. And under that is a coherent set of arguments that the person who's listening hears again and again. And as a result when the person confronts a person who ordinarily he wouldn't engage, he's now prepared to engage in the argument and make the conservative point of view salient to that individual.
What political talk radio hosts do is pick the facts that advantage their case and then make those facts the most salient facts for their audience. They fall within the range of omission that characterizes contemporary politics. When you look at political debates, for example, Republicans, Democrats, both do it. The biggest sin is a sin of omission. They don't tell you what would hurt their case.
Well, that's what political talk radio does. It selectively moves to feature the facts that best make the case for the ideology that advances the candidate in the moment that supports the agenda of the conservative talk radio host. So, the notion that talk radio hosts are just up there polluting the political process by egregiously lying is simply not true."
This gives you a sense of that "perfect storm."
The raw numbers.
In 2007, the people saying conservative talk radio had too much power were ... conservatives.
There's a new wave of paranoia sweeping through that industry about the reinstitution of the Fairness Doctrine.
Kasey has some pretty cool video about "a virulent proponent of fairness."
And Cheyenne tells us what Bill O'Reilly thinks.
But if you read Courtney's mega-post and click through the the Media Matters stuff, you can see why Schumer and others have some real qurestions about what's being said on the airwaves.
Maybe we're all losing our minds because many of us, like Joe!, seem to think this clip actualy warrants semi-serious analysis.
I like this post from an NRO columnist about the Palin turkey mess because it raises a lot of interesting questions about media skills. fairness, etc.
Here's the (modified) clip, via Courtney.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Must read!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
No Ordinary Time
Last night, Brit Hume led off with stories that
-- questioned the validity of Barack Obama's claim that he would get Osama bin Laden and
-- highlighted the reemergence of Bill Ayers.
Meanwhile, I found the Ayers interview on NPR's Fresh Air riveting. It highlighted what was impossible to talk about during the campaign: that the Vietnam era was one in which violent dissent seemed like a semi-rational response to illegal bombing campaigns, etc. I was struck by how utterly sane Ayers seemed, how much perepctive he had on his past and how little reflection there really was, during the campaign, about what it meant to be talking about the Weather Underground.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Working the refs, part LXVII
Monday, November 17, 2008
Cortney takes Palin studies to the next level
I wish I had written this line.
I have concluded that the problem that so many people have in understand what Palin is saying is that we make the mistake of assuming that all of the words have some reason for being there.
Anderson's Window
Joe Say It's So
Julia wondered about that, and I think she's right to wonder.
I'd Rather Not
And also click through Harry's post to the related 538 posting.
And whoa, Caroline weighs in.
I think Silver's argument that the media have to get even better at slicing through bullshit to the truth is, at least, an interesting argument. (I happened to have watched a chunk of that Atwater thing too and interviewed its producer.)
I kept skating past Ran Rather trial coverage, but the truth is, it's really interesting, especially the degree to which CBS sought to make "the right" a player. It wasn't enough the appease them. This might also tell you -- in reverse image -- what a network like Fox is thinking about the Obama years.
Some of the documents unearthed by his investigation include notes taken at the time by Linda Mason, a vice president of CBS News. According to her notes, one potential panel member, Warren Rudman, a former Republican senator from New Hampshire, was deemed a less-than-ideal candidate over fears by some that he would not “mollify the right.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Thornburgh, who served as attorney general for both Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, was named a panelist by CBS, but only after a CBS lobbyist “did some other testing,” in which she was told, according to Ms. Mason’s notes, “T comes back with high marks from G.O.P.”
Another memorandum turned over to Mr. Rather’s lawyers by CBS was a long typed list of conservative commentators apparently receiving some preliminary consideration as panel members, including Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, Ann Coulter and Pat Buchanan. At the bottom of that list, someone had scribbled “Roger Ailes,” the founder of Fox News.
Change you maybe can't believe in
Watch for the press to change itself or at least look like it's changing, as a way of linking to Obama and the notion of an altered universe.
Newspapers don't count because they have to change or die.
The List Worthess Evening*
Kasey sort of had a list that mentioned lists, but not quite in list form.
List, of course, are the first and most primtive resort of anybody trying to make the appearance of order out of chaos. Lists don't really do anything. But they make us feel better.
*An Eagles joke.
The ick factor
Well, now it is.
UPDATE: As we discovered last week, Palin reaches down into a very evil place inside Courtney. So she feasted on these icky pictures. But it does seem like a Darwinian process, cutting a week member of the (caribou) herd out and killing her.
The new oohing
UPDATE: Amanda found lots of other people trying to make money. Especially amusing are the pseudo Cabbage Patch dolls, but more significant in the inauguration as rock concert meme.
The second issue is the oohing and aahing; and I confess that, watching the Os last night on 60 Minutes, it was difficult to know what to do about that. Because some of it seems warranted. I mean, they really are smart and personable and attractive and admorable. How do you not say tha.t?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Live-blogging Barack Obama on 60 Minutes

He evoked FDR with a version of "I see one third of a nation ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-housed"
"We go from shock to trance," about gas. That's a nice turn of phrase.
"America doesn't torture. And I'm going to make sure we don't torture." Somewhere Andrew Sullivan is smiling.
At a media studies level he's sort of interesting in the way he can hold a close-up. He's really interesting with NO ornamentation.
In (correctly) rejecting specific New Deal parallels, he's also rejecting the Time magazine cover that makes him look like FDR.
Michelle Obama ... has anybody EVER been so ready for this crazy, impossible job? And the aspirations for normality and domesticity -- they really are the Huxtables. Except that the Huxtables were always at home, right? These people are so good at this!! A First Family that might take some interest in the D.C. schools? And the problems of that city?
He can't go to the barbershop. A slice of African-American life we understand. We've seen the movie.
UPDATE: Here is Rich's take on 60 Min. I agree that Kroft seems like a comfortable match for the Os, which is interesting, given the fact that he was an unsatisfactory interviewer of the Eagles.
Maybe that's part of Kroft's style -- he's a mirrorer, rather than a digger.
Rich is right -- the choice of 60 Minutes kind of reaffirms its status. The media revolution of 2008 turns out -- like many other revolutions -- to be somewhat conservative in nature. Huffington Post is NOT more important. Yet. The code of 60 Minutes? Grown-ups!
He's also right that Obama has marketed himself, yet again, as the guy who puts the pin back in every grenade. That's part of the code, the brand. If he can figure out how to do it, he'll give an exclusive interview, by June of 2009, to Limbaugh or Hanity or O'Reilly or the Weekly Standard or the National Review.
UPDATE: I think Courtney gets at something really interesting, really McLuhanesque, right here. He really is somebody that people wanna look at. He's not only ready for his close up. He's ready for his HD close-up. In all the way Bill Clinton was ready for 1992 but not for 2008, Obama seems almost designed right into this moment.
Jurkowitz is doing our job for us
I think the most important part is near the end, where Mark talks about "narratives."
Harry points out that most transitions are, in themselves, narratives -- or are framed that way.
Who likes what
Scroll down to the chart that contrast coverage with actual interest, and you'll see the public cares less about the insider stuff and more about economy and jobs.
Is the hate story being covered?
UPDATE: Rich flagged this story early on. I tthink it sort of demonstrates the push and pull facing Fox: go a little more mainstream and emphasize its role in documenting the new era from slightly conservative perspective? Or play toward fear and opposition?
But I actually think the media may be erring in the other direction -- underplaying the scary people.
If you look around, there are stories like this backlash roundup in the Indianapolis Star.
Here's the AP version of the story about hate bubbling up.
In general, though, the press seems a little shy about the story -- notwithstanding Shafer.
I'm not sure how I would prove this.
UPDATE: Kasey seems to be wondering the same thing. So we need to talk about whether there's a reluctance and, if so, where it comes from.
UPDATE: Check out Lauren's post on the priest who won't give communion.
UPDATE: And Sarai caught the NPR story on racist reactions abroad.
Right as rain
There is, as this linked piece suggests, at the very least the problem of access. Maybe. What do you think Obama will do, should do, about the media that never liked him.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Cherchez la femme
For example, the Hillary-as-SOS story is attractive and interesting. But why? What are the elements that make it spreadable?
UPDATE: Julia thinks the media does need a woman.
Make a list of four other stories the media are pushing right now.
One to watch
UPDATE: Kasey pondered the question in terms of the technology used by the campaigns. I would agree that the campaigns tend to be a microdot or two ahed of the media -- because they're smaller and can react faster.
What's black and white and maybe all over?
Actually, as I think about it, the very fact that Rosenbaum's article is tagged for buzzing and digging near the bottom should tell us something.
UPDATE: Mike noticed that Andy Rooney talked about this. Which makes Andy Rooney seem like a weathered totem, a stone gargoyle standing watch iover a loost civilization (newspapers).
Please read this and think about it. Does it have implications for how the press should operate in the next election cycle? What does it say about the state of things right now?
UPDATE: Mary's take on the story.
Monday, November 10, 2008
They told me to go to political rehab. I said no, no, no
Lizza on Fresh Air
He also claims the "celebrity" ad scared the Obama campaign.
The World According to Harry
He's got the 60 Minutes Obama staff interview.
He's got a brief reflection on the "post-Imus" era. I never thought of it that way, but maybe that was an important turning point.
I don't really know what to say about this ...
But's it's interesting.
h/t Cheyenne
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Actually, while we're looking at round-ups, this PEJ/PEW thing is pretty interesting.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Cheat Sheet
That means the 17th is wide open. Think about what you'd like to explore on that night. I'm open to suggestions.
Post Post Post
Not surprisingly, conservative pundits wonder why this came out AFTER the election.
Mutt in Chief
I also toss in this article from earlier in the campaign about the thorny issue of Obama's own obvious self-confidence. Most successful politicians are self confident. Is this another subtle way Obama was squeezed, because of his race?
Are those same attitudes somehow evident in this much-discussed post-election dialogue among Newsweek editors?
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Stewart fizzles
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Sarah Gorgon
Strictly for my anchors
And suddenly it struck me that Katie was talking to Jeff Greenfield, Brian to Chuck Todd and Charlie to George Stephanopoulos. You know? There was this very keyed-up discussion of race being conducted entirely by white people
I have never liked the "well, why aren't more(or any) of you black?" question ... at least not in certain contexts. I faced it recently in a public setting and it irritated me.
But we have an African-American president, and still the face of network television DOES seem to lag behind. On cable...well, there are experts like Juan Williams and Eugene Robinson, but since the departure of Bernard Shaw, it's not THAT much better. It's one of the ways, I think, in which TV is pretty conservative. In fact, they were all sitting around talking aout how the Republican party has failed to show an inclusive picture of itself, and I kept thinking: you guys are just as far behind as they are.
What do you think about that?
Have the mass media failed, in certain ways, "to look like America?"
Monday, November 03, 2008
E. Night -- what you trained for
To do so, the networks now follow strict rules that govern projections,And a plea to the networks.
examining not only exit poll data but actual vote tabulation and turnout
information. NBC -- which keeps its decision desk isolated from the calls made
by competing networks -- will only call a winner once its statisticians conclude
that the chance of an error is less than 1 in 200. And no calls will be made
until all the polls have closed in a state.Extreme measures are taken to ensure
that early data from the exit poll does not leak out, as it did in 2004, when
the first wave of surveys showing John Kerry in the lead rocketed through
cyberspace.For much of the day, only a small group will have access to the exit
poll, which is being conducted by Edison Media Research and Mitofsky
International for the National Election
Pool, a consortium of the networks and the Associated Press. Three members
from each outlet will be sequestered in an undisclosed location in New York,
where they will analyze the results of questionnaires filled out by 100,000
voters nationwide. Their cellphones and BlackBerries will be taken away until 5
p.m. ET, when they will be allowed to share the data with their newsrooms.It's
the same procedure that was used in the 2006 midterm elections and effectively
prevented the release of incomplete data, much to the relief of network
executives."Exit poll information in the hands of trained professionals is
perfectly fine," said Sam Feist, CNN's political director. "Exit poll
information in the hand of the general public, who may not understand what it
means or stands for, can be dangerous."That's because exit polls are designed to
provide a demographic portrait of voters, not to predict the winner of a close
race. The early waves of data can be especially misleading because they do not
necessarily reflect an accurate sample of the electorate
Why the exit polls get used.
I was told there would be no math
Could be the week's most intriguing post!
Hope you had a nice weekend, Megan
Teddy got better when the pressure was off.
Sudden Death Overtime
Jabba's Straight Talk Hovercraft
I guess one of my problems here is the fallacy of treating all the reporters the same way. Age and pecking order come into play. Joe Klein can afford to develop biases. The struggling, relatively new beat reporter may want access a lot more.
When I was starting out in the business, I would have written up Jabba the Hutt's views if he gave me access.
Cheyenne looked at the question of McCain and reporter access here with CLIP.
Caveat Harry
I'm sticking his part of it up here because last week his plug-ins didn't work on the TC system.
We give up
Welcome back Lauren
The clip is also from Lauren and, coming on the heels of devastating impersonation of Olbermann on SNL and coming in the context of our bias conversation, it kind of bears talking about.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Yes we have no bias
The accusations in this area have a way of canceling each other out.
Here is a left-leaning watchdog.
Here is a right-leaning one.
See what I mean? It's like off-setting penalties in football.
But please do click around on these watchdogs and consider the kinds of cases they make.
Neal Conan's Rules of Debate
I think that happened several times, on Thursday, in this program about white supremacist activity during the campaign season.
If you don't have time to listen to the whole thing, at least drag the cursor over to about 12:30, when a guy named Tom from Smithfield, R.I. phones in. Tom has a pretty reasonable question which has been asked many ways in recent weeks: is there anything about some of the recent Republican rallies that might give encouragement to hate groups? Note that host Conan treats the question almost as if it is out of bounds. He first insists that the caller can not possibly be suggesting that either McCain or Palin have ever said anything of this nature. He then insists that the only relevance of the question would be in the case of hate groups hearing something that's not really there in the rhetoric of these rallies.
The effect is one of intellectual cowardice. Tom's question is not at all exotic. A lot of us have wondered whther some of the rhetoric, especially Palin's, has implicitly invited the audiences to indulge their darkest and most sinister fantasies about who Barack Obama is and who he isn't. The talk about "real America" doesn't even seem that subtle at times. I don't mind saying that, watching some of those clips, I have found myself thinking: if some idiot shoots Obama some day, we're going to look back at these rallies and wonder whether if they gave encouragement and nourishment to the American monster of virulent racism. I think McCain has had the same thought, which is why he went through that stretch where he at least made an effort to cool down some of the hottest heads at his speeches (only to find himself getting booed by those hotheads).
Conan is clearly afraid of the whole topic. Seconds later, his guest from the Southern Poverty Law Center talks about nasty racist imagery including nooses around Obama's neck. "To be fair," Conan jumps in, there have been Sarah Palin nooses. Well, one, says the guest. But Conan's desire is pretty clear. We must at least pretend that these problems are roughly equivalent. One campaign can not possibly be more appealing to noose-sketchers than the other.
It seems to me that one of the most important questions in this whole story is the one Conan is determined to avoid. What's the overlap between the crazy, dangerous people and the people showing up and yelling back at these rallies? Do the crazy and vicious people feel emboldened when mainstream political figures say things that don't sound all that different from what the fringe groups say? Does the McCain campaign have some responsibility to worry about this? Does Palin, specifically, seem indifferent to the problem or is she now acknowledging that she might have to be a little more careful? (Even though Palin has apologized for any misunderstanding she might have created, I think we know the answer to that. Palin said last week that any criticism of her campaigning style infringes on her First Amendment rights.)
Anyway, we're apparently not going to find out on Talk of the Nation.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Nice weather for (devil) ducks
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Exit polls and stuff
Now, I somehow know that Harry will click on EVERY link in this FAQ, but I encourage the rest of you to do so as well.
This story will give you a little context about the collapse of the VNS, although I don't really understand why we should feel better about what replaced it.
You might wanna watch the interview here with Rather and Silver. I don't really know how you watch Rather's network, but somebody oughta check it out on election night.
Why does a meme spread?
It allows the spreader to assume the illusion of a greater level of technical, information-sharing expertise than he really has. (Anybody can do this, but it looks complicated.) It concerns something that people care about. It makes a point. It uses familiar tropes. (I'm convinced that this is one of the keys to the viability and motility of a meme -- that it introduces new content using recognizable themes and tropes.) For a meme to spread, it must invite and permit the meme-spreader to look smart or clued-in, right? That's one reason you spread something is because it makes you look sharp. Another reason is that you think people need to know it.
Monday, October 27, 2008
This is NOT an invitation to rest on your laurels
Now get back to work.
Mike this week
This guy claims endorsements matter. Maybe.
A different picture here.
The Wild Card effect
To a certain degree, that may have happened to McCain's "celebrity" ad, when this came out:
Courtney had better be ready
Fortunately, Guest Professor Wolfberg is a dead ringer for Don Draper.
Compare and contrast
Here he contrasts two 2008 tax ads.
Here he looks at two uses of the Oval Office as mise en scene.
(Both pretty unsuccessful, IMHO.)
Here he contrasts two approaches to a controversial Veep pick.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Caroline, Caroline, Caroline, Caroline, Caroline, Caroline, Caroline, Caroline,
We're not as patient as we were back when this Kennedy ad (h/t Caroline) ran.
That's why a modern two-minute web ad has to stimulate us and cater to our ADD.
Friday, October 24, 2008
More resources
It clued me in to the existence of these folks, who don't provide a lot of info for free, of course, but clicking on their "ïn the news" pdfs can be quite enlightening.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pro Bono
Not that you care about this, but ...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Rosetta Stone for our 10/27 class
Monday, October 20, 2008
To kick off our poll discussion
The other side of SNL
Still, this analysis argues that Palin didn't even get the usual breaks.
Amanda has some late-breaking coverage of the actual appearance.
Who is this gaucho, Amigo?
But PJ is kind of a rara avis. There just arent'that many funny people coming at this stuff from a stricly conservative angle ...although it's also interesting that the somewhat conservative satirist C. Buckley lost one of his gigs last week, for endoring Obama.
We'll come back to this on the 27th with Wolfberg.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Real clear polls
In fact, this clip on Kasey's site would have represented an unthinkable about of thinking about polls for the average person on 1988.
There's a lot of averaging, as with RCP.
There's a clearer understanding, after 2000, that state polls matter more.
There's more of an attempt to find out what campaign internals say.
Kevin on copyright
In a separate post, Kevin also has the old media clip of McCain on Letterman, if you need to get it somewhere.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Polls, polls, polls I
Here's a mild conservative response.
Here's Mr. Hip Poll analyzer.
Somehow they know about these polls before they're even released.
Nasty media
We're also going to geek out about polls a little.
We're going to study the explicitly conservativ media a little later in the term, but just in the flow of looking at the week's events, I think it's worth noting how extreme Limbaugh is getting, particularly in his characterizaton of blacks and black movements.
Monday, October 13, 2008
What certain women want
Oh, let's watch that AP thing on undecided voters.
The hotness thing
Make sure you read "triple dog standard" AND don;t miss Chysey's very interesting comment.
Mikey Mouse
The Palin Effect
Sunday, October 12, 2008
We know what you think -- before you do.
Here's a piece about the way TV may -- in real time -- alter your reactions.
Trinity Bloggers. Can they be trusted? Are they terrorists?
Courtney has not let the duck go to her head
Let's watch this in class and discuss
The often overlooked Cindy McCain

I miss the old Cindy McCain. The one who used to go to rallies and sit
huddled in the corner looking as if she thought the audience had a communicable
disease. Now, she’s right up there on stage, standing behind her husband and
making disgusted faces when he rails on about the opposition. And she’s started
railing herself. (The family that rants together ...) Obama is waging “the
dirtiest campaign in American history.” His votes on Iraq were votes “not to
fund my son when he was serving.”
Remember when the McCains wouldn’t talk
about the fact that their son was in Iraq? Oh well.
Maybe Cindy is trying to
hold her own against Sarah, who is with John almost as much as she is. I miss
the old guy-guy McCain who had so many male pals around he looked like a walking
fraternity reunion. Now, he’s starting to resemble an ambulatory patient
accompanied by female attendants on an outing.
Palin has been pressing the
line that people don’t really know “the real Barack Obama,” and who could make
the argument better than a woman who we’ve already known for almost six weeks?
Really, she’s like one of the family.
We’ve gotten so close we’ve already
learned that she didn’t actually sell the plane on eBay, didn’t actually visit
the troops in Iraq and didn’t really have a talk with the British ambassador. As
soon as we get the Trooper thing and Alaska Independence Party thing and the tax
thing figured out, she’ll be an open book.